التخطي إلى المحتوى الرئيسي

2018 Sudan's budget: financial crisis besiege the regime

In July 2011 Sudan lost 70% of it's revenues when oil produced region  (South Sudan) separate. National currency's exchange rate dropped and inflation hits high.
The NCP's government (National Congress Party)  controlled situations, pay salaries and buying weapons.. the surplus and weaknesses of opponents enabled continue in control.
In TV interview Albashir said in 2012 " situations after separation of south get worse but government work in that, coming year shall brings good news for people'!
Coming year '2013' brought a BAD news! People demonstrated in Khartoum and other towns. And government's militias shoot hundreds victims. Many of them dead!
Today, six years since South Sudan separated, Sudanese people's life get worse and worse, gold mining revenues make no differences, reform government's policy ends to no where, and the tank of lies is empty.
So 2018's budget put the government of Al bashir face to face to an end that it try to avoid for three decades.
Main aspects of this budget is:
*  Austerity! 2018s budget not embody any infrastructure projects; that means there is no bids and tenders, which means the corrupted sectors surrounded and supported regime for an years ago will no longer do.
* Also government shall stop supplying a new car to it's civil, military officers, and parliament's members as a bribery
* Budget also aims to increase total of people paying taxes and extend the tax range, which leads to spreading anger feelings against regime.
* Last, budget also aims to cut money allocated to officially abroad visits.
The 2018's budget which mostly amount to six billions US dollars to country of thirty four millions population reside in seven thousands sq miles! Therefore the 2018's budget regard as ' a death declaration' of Al bashir's regime.
That regime who failed to achieve development progress and real growth,  and success just to enriched narrow sector of beneficiaries consists from ideological supporters and lords of war, and to bribed civil and military officers by big salaries and 'foods'!
Now all that privileges turned to be somethings from old days. So narrow sector of beneficiaries shall decreased and they have to fight and defend their benefits by themselves.


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