The worst thing that body may expertise is living in misrule of law's state (state where rule of law not respected)..
A misrule of law's state is where government do not a bide by constitution's regulations or statutes or laws, and don't care about international obligations or international law, and do no respect to the human being long struggle throughout outrageous toward humanitarian communities and modern state.
Rule of law is a more developed step of modern state, and last version of modern government.
Rule of law mean that all bodies of government subject to law of democratic communities in it's acts and behaviors so as respect equity before law bodies and separation of authorities and powers and respect of human rights (freedoms and personal rights) and mainly freedom of speech and thought and freedom to joint a society's and groups and meeting. .. etc
Been a citizen in a misrule of law's state that means you are not a citizen and not a resident and not even a refugee, that is because a refugee and resident has a rights in a modern state and modern community which worth more than what a citizen of misrule of law's state got. been a citizen in misrule of law's state means you have to behave like been a traveler, you have just to observe and watch what happens to note it later.
Position is going worse if you been a legal professional (judge, lawyer, policeman..) in a misrule of law's state!
the job of judges, lawyers, and policeman officers in a misrule of law's state is differ than which of rule of law's state..
The judge in rule of law do care to law and public policy and justice and concerned to be all arrangements and procedures as due, and citizens are equal before courts and it's judges who practice their job impartial, without discrimination between them among any consideration unless provided for by law.
Law itself in a court of rule of law's state is subject to constitutional doctrines and to interpretations that consist with doctrines of natural justice and to the rule govern his judiciary body
judge of rule of law's court do no respect to any political considerations
In another hand the judge of misrule of law's courts is an ordinary officer of a governor (dictator) he has no privileges and don't protected from interfere in his job, otherwise he always get instructions from juniors security officers and he enforce direct orders from influenced persons. he abide by law in formalities way only .. and he do all efforts to avoid subjective issues in order not to compact with influenced bodies,
he have to do respect to maintain his job and benefits he get from his masters.
Also the lawyer in misrule of law's state turns to be mere mediator between clients an corrupted judiciary and quasi-judiciary bodies, and to facilitator who his job is to try to mitigate damages in legal and illegal and even immoral means!
However, his job in ordinary case is to protect private and public rights, and to provide legal views and advises and interpretations.
Therefore, in misrule of law's state case; the lawyer used to do things with no relation to his job and career, he used to ignore legal knowledge because he discovered that it's meaningless.
A misrule of law's state is where government do not a bide by constitution's regulations or statutes or laws, and don't care about international obligations or international law, and do no respect to the human being long struggle throughout outrageous toward humanitarian communities and modern state.
Rule of law is a more developed step of modern state, and last version of modern government.
Rule of law mean that all bodies of government subject to law of democratic communities in it's acts and behaviors so as respect equity before law bodies and separation of authorities and powers and respect of human rights (freedoms and personal rights) and mainly freedom of speech and thought and freedom to joint a society's and groups and meeting. .. etc
Been a citizen in a misrule of law's state that means you are not a citizen and not a resident and not even a refugee, that is because a refugee and resident has a rights in a modern state and modern community which worth more than what a citizen of misrule of law's state got. been a citizen in misrule of law's state means you have to behave like been a traveler, you have just to observe and watch what happens to note it later.
Position is going worse if you been a legal professional (judge, lawyer, policeman..) in a misrule of law's state!
the job of judges, lawyers, and policeman officers in a misrule of law's state is differ than which of rule of law's state..
The judge in rule of law do care to law and public policy and justice and concerned to be all arrangements and procedures as due, and citizens are equal before courts and it's judges who practice their job impartial, without discrimination between them among any consideration unless provided for by law.
Law itself in a court of rule of law's state is subject to constitutional doctrines and to interpretations that consist with doctrines of natural justice and to the rule govern his judiciary body
judge of rule of law's court do no respect to any political considerations
In another hand the judge of misrule of law's courts is an ordinary officer of a governor (dictator) he has no privileges and don't protected from interfere in his job, otherwise he always get instructions from juniors security officers and he enforce direct orders from influenced persons. he abide by law in formalities way only .. and he do all efforts to avoid subjective issues in order not to compact with influenced bodies,
he have to do respect to maintain his job and benefits he get from his masters.
Also the lawyer in misrule of law's state turns to be mere mediator between clients an corrupted judiciary and quasi-judiciary bodies, and to facilitator who his job is to try to mitigate damages in legal and illegal and even immoral means!
However, his job in ordinary case is to protect private and public rights, and to provide legal views and advises and interpretations.
Therefore, in misrule of law's state case; the lawyer used to do things with no relation to his job and career, he used to ignore legal knowledge because he discovered that it's meaningless.
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